Home buying

Are you getting the right home inspection?

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AnnMarie Janni

May 2, 2022

Most homebuyers would agree that the home inspection on a potential  purchase is probably the most important part of the process, however some buyers may not know is that there are multiple inspections that should be considered.

The goal is to expose any major issues with the property prior to acquisition, to either ask for repairs prior to closing, or to update the offer to consider the financial impact in making the repair(s) yourself.

But first, one important reminder regarding any type of inspection: 

  • It must be completed by an inspector that is licensed and in good standing  with the licensure board in your area.
  • You want someone qualified that can give you a thorough and accurate  analysis of the property’s condition.
  • Now, let’s talk about the different types of inspections you should consider  when purchasing your next home!
  • Not every home needs every type of inspection, but this should provide great guidance to narrow it down for you.

Roof inspection

The inspection of the roof should happen in the general inspection. If the  notes from the inspector mention any type of wear and tear or other issues  with the roof, you should consider getting a roof inspection done by a roofing  contractor. This will give that added peace of mind, because roof repairs can add up down the road.

Lead–based paint inspection

If the home was built prior to 1978, you should receive a lead warning  disclosure from the seller, this does NOT always mean that the home is safe  and free of lead-based paint, so review that disclosure in detail.

It would be  in your best interest to have a lead-based paint inspection completed. You  can contact your local EPA to find an inspector that specializes in this.

Radon inspection

This radioactive gas is often found in crawlspaces or foundations in homes.  It has been connected to lung cancer, so it should be taken seriously to  prevent any unnecessary exposure. Most general inspections include this  test, but if not, you can find a qualified specialist through the National Radon Safety Board.

Mold inspection

Some homebuyers aren’t aware that most homes have some amount of mold  in them. Moisture and that perfect temperature are notorious for creating mold in homes.

If you feel the home is at risk of excessive mold, or see any  signs, i.e., that mold-like smell, or any dark spaces that bring suspicion, we  recommend you investing in this type of inspection.

Asbestos inspection

Right before the 1980’s asbestos was used in home building- you could find it in the roof, the pipes, and even the insulation of a home. That substance was  later linked to various types of cancer.

If your home was built prior to the  1980’s we highly recommend getting an inspection done. An asbestos  abatement company would be your go-to for this inspection type.

Pool inspection

So you’re looking at a house with a pool? Are we invited?

Pools are usually not thoroughly considered in a general inspection; this  beautiful amenity needs its own special attention. As a potential homebuyer,  you want to confirm the structure of the pool is sound, as well as the safety features on the pool. Your realtor can provide guidance on the best inspector for this job.

Electrical inspection

Your general inspection should review the electrical readiness of your home.

If the general inspection yields anything “off” about the electrical capacity in the home, you will want to get a reputable electrician out to complete an  inspection for you. Electrical issues can become costly so it would be a wise  decision to address prior to purchase.

HVAC inspection

Did you know the average cost to replace an HVAC unit is between $5,000-$10,000?

The general inspection should include the HVAC system. If the final general inspection shows anything abnormal, you should get a specialized inspection for the unit.

Also, if there is no service record showing up for that unit, you  should make the investment and have the extra inspection done. This could  possibly save you thousands. If the detailed inspection reveals a potential  issue soon, this should give you some negotiating leverage on the price with  the seller or ask for repairs to be completed prior to closing.

Plumbing and sewer

This is another part of the home that should be reviewed in the general  inspection. However, if any abnormalities are mentioned at all in the report, a more thorough inspection would be a smart move for the homebuyer.

Chimney inspection

Does your home have a beautiful fireplace? Well, we recommend a chimney  inspection to ensure the ventilation is working as it should. This should also  be done to remove any excess debris that may be in the chimney that could  cause a potential house fire.

Foundation and structure inspection

If you notice cracks, sagging doors or sticking floors, you should have a  structural inspection done on the property. The foundation and structure are  extremely important and would be a major issue for you as a future  homeowner.

Pest and termite inspection

This one is usually well known in the home buying process. Those wood  destroying insects can cause homeowners quite a headache if not remediated.

The home buying process can seem overwhelming at times. So many things  to consider when making the best possible financial decision on the home  that’s perfect for you. Lean heavily on your Realtor during the home inspection time to make sure you have a clear understanding about the home you’re getting ready to purchase.

Source: Allen Tate Realtors

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